Welcome to Tortoise Awareness Group!  This website is still under construction, so keep checking back for more content later!

You can also find us on facebook in Tortoise Awareness Group!

There is a lot of misinformation floating around about tortoises.  Bad information is all over the internet, spread in some pet shops, and even spread by some vets!  Sometimes it’s the result of information just being outdated.  Sometimes it’s because someone is trying to sell you something that you don’t actually need.  And, while becoming a vet takes a lot of hard work and knowledge, not all of them are experienced with tortoises and not all of them keep up on the day to day care recommendations for every single species that they see.  As a result, it’s common for a person to do their research before getting a tortoise only to find out later that all that research was outdated or inaccurate and they have to start all over!  And a lot of us have been there too.

So our goal is to give you the best tortoise information that we can, while also keeping it easy to understand and low on drama and judgment.

Since we know that misinformation is so common, we often give advice even if it’s not asked for.  For example, if someone posts a picture of their tortoise eating something toxic, we aren’t the kind of group to just say, “Cute tortoise,” and leave it at that.  We’re the kind of group to let you know that it’s toxic and help you decide what other things you can feed instead.